Somehow, over the years I ended up with a magnet "collection". And I have photos of my nieces, nephews, Gus's cousins' kids, and friends' kids on the fridge. I like them where I can see them as I walk by. A couple of times, I took everything off the fridge, only to be questioned by Gus and the kids - and they were a little upset. So I needed to come up with a plan that would make everyone happy.
At first, I thought about painting the exterior cabinet that houses the fridge with magnetic paint. But the more I read about it, the more it seemed like it was a crap shoot as to whether or not it would work well. I didn't want to ruin the cabinet, so I went back to the drawing board.
After a lot of consideration, I sketched some ideas and came up with something I liked that would also be fairly easy and inexpensive to do. I want to share those projects with you, so I'll be breaking them down into individual projects/posts - with a final post showing you everything together!
I'm so excited, because this series of posts will include the debut of "All Gus'ed Up" - a new category of posts revolving around Gus's projects! Get it? All gussied up? All Gus'ed Up? (Please note that y'all should be ROTFLOL or at the very least chuckling at my clever wit!) We have a lot of spring/summer projects planned, so I hope you'll come back to see them, and tell all your friends, too!
Some of what you'll be seeing about conquering refrigerator clutter:
- easy-to-make frames
- magnetic board
- picture board
- cork boards & hooks
Check out the "before" pictures again:
Yes. That is a Thomas the Tank Engine mylar balloon. No, there are no children in my household. Gus likes trains. Thomas the Tank Engine is a train. Buddy used to watch Thomas when he was little, and Gus still watches it. I tried to put the balloon away (I got it for Gus for his birthday two years ago), but Gus got upset with me. So there it is. For everyone to see.
If you think that's bad - take a look at the mat under the cat/dog water bowls (Hey, the outside of the bowls may be dirty, but at least the inside is clean!):
And apparently Riley was so thirsty, he couldn't wait until after I had taken the pictures:
Stay tuned for the first "fridge organization" installment: All Gus'ed Up: Easy-to-Make Weathered Wood Frames!!
Part 1 of the fridge organization series: All Gus'ed Up - Easy-to-Make Wood Frames
Part 2 of the fridge organization series: D-I-Y Weathered Wood
Part 3 of the fridge organization series: D-I-Y Magnetic Board
Part 4 of the fridge organization series: D-I-Y Fabric-Covered Picture Board
Part 5 of the fridge organization series: Corkboards, Keys, Basket, & Clipboard
Part 6 of the fridge organization series: The Big Reveal!
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