Guess what I did today?

I opened my email account this morning and waited while 348 emails loaded. Three hundred. Forty. Eight. And that is not an unusual occurrence. I decided right then and there to extend my recent cleaning frenzy to my computer. I unsubscribed from a bazillion emails!

You know the ones - you see them in your inbox every day. And every day you hit "delete" without opening them.

I have no idea why I subscribed to them in the first place. I don't even remember if I did subscribe to them.

Why haven't I unsubscribed before now?

I confess that it all boils down to two reasons:
  1. Laziness - it's just too much bother. I don't want to fill out a survey, check or uncheck boxes, write an essay, draw a picture, or win a prize. Good grief just let me unsubscribe and get on with my life.
  2. I'm afraid I'll miss something. Yep. I need to be in the know. What if there is a great sale tomorrow and that email is the only place I'll learn about it? What if someone asks me, "Hey - did you see that great sale at {insert name of cool shoe store} the other day? I got 20 pairs of shoes for $20!" I might never forgive myself.
I know they're counting on these things. They're sneaky. But not sneaky enough. I know I'm being played. And it annoys me. But apparently not enough to make me unsubscribe.

But no more - not today. I have a mouse and I'm not afraid to use it. I'm living on the wild side now. You know, the wild side where there are only 200 incoming emails instead of 348...

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