Change is good (& how to truncate a blog post)

Something here is not the same as before...

Did you notice that the look of the blog has changed a little? I've been experimenting with new templates and such to try to give the blog a more "professional" look. I think eventually I will have a custom template made, but in the meantime, I'm going to play around with some freebies. (This one came from Nymfont.)

Also, I'm going to be experimenting with truncating the blog. If you don't know what that means, here's the short version:

If you read blogs in a RSS reader, you've probably noticed that for some blogs, you can read the entire post - but for other blogs, you need to click a link to finish reading the post. The ones that need to be "clicked" are truncated.

Why truncate your blog? Well, there are weird, nasty people out there who have nothing better to do than steal other people's work. Yes, there are people who steal blog posts. While it's impossible to stop all theft, you can stop the "bots" (programs that run automated tasks) by truncating posts. It's similar to captcha - humans can type in letters or numbers, bots can't. With truncating, humans can click links, bots can't.

I do realize that clicking makes it a little less easy for you to read the blog using a RSS reader. And for that I apologize. But I hope you'll understand - because I'm sure you wouldn't want someone to steal something that you worked on for hours.

If you have a blog and would like to truncate it, I can explain how to do it in Blogger. It's easy!

How to truncate a blog post:

1) Start typing your blog post.

2) When you reach the point where you want the post to "break", place your cursor, and click on the "page break" button. You will see a dotted line, highlighted in grey, appear across the post - starting where you placed te cursor. This is the line that divides the post into two parts.

How to truncate a blog post in Blogger

3) Everything above the line appears in the RSS reader/feed, but nothing below it can be read until the link is clicked. So just position your cursor under the line where you want to start the second part of the post, and start typing.

How to truncate a blog post in Blogger

That's it! Blogger makes it so easy!

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